Web3 Mobile Game Developers Unite

Our bet on cloud gaming: Why we prefer to focus on infrastructure rather  than distribution — K Fund

Aethir is the leading DePIN, Enterprise-grade, AI-focused GPU-as-a-Service provider. Leveraging a highly distributed cloud computing infrastructure allows GPU providers to serve AI and gaming customers at scale.

Aethir aims to serve enterprise AI clients who need the world’s most powerful AI chips at scale and support hundreds of thousands of cloud gaming players with best-in-class experiences worldwide. This is accomplished with a decentralized architecture, bringing the GPU cloud to the community and making computing accessible for all.

Unite is on a mission to build the first Layer 3 blockchain solution for mass-market mobile games, targeting the 2.8 billion players and the $90 billion revenue generated from the mobile game market. Focused on enhancing the player experience with in-game earning capabilities, Unite offers a comprehensive L3 solution encompassing chain, client, and ecosystem and establishing a decentralized physical infrastructure (DePin) built on billions of daily active mobile devices worldwide.

Aethir, a distributed GPU cloud computing innovator, is teaming up with Unite, a leading Layer 3 chain solution for mass-market mobile games, to empower developers and streamline Web3 game development. By leveraging Aethir’s advanced cloud technology alongside Unite’s L3 chain solution and game development framework, this partnership enhances scalability, performance, and accessibility for Web3 mobile games. Aethir’s cloud solutions enable mobile game publishers to deliver high-performance gaming experiences, regardless of players’ device limitations.

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Web3 Mobile Game Developers Unite