Shift Left or Die: The Importance of Proactive Cloud Security
Vladi is the Co-Founder and CEO of Lightspin, a company that helps cloud and security teams remove risks in their Kubernetes and cloud settings.
Vladi is the Co-Founder and CEO of Lightspin, a company that helps cloud and security teams remove risks in their Kubernetes and cloud settings.
On the social media front, your company most likely has space for development. Contrary to common assumption, your social media sites do not display testimonials, describe new products, or sell on every post. It's ok if that's what you've been doing because there haven't been many examples of firms playing the social media game correctly.
The International Space Station was declared open to commercial business by NASA in 2019, and it appears that a large number of space tourists will be able to experience microgravity. Axiom Space, a space tourism company, announced a "blockbuster deal" with SpaceX on Wednesday to transport private personnel to the ISS until 2023.
"I recall when a misdirected reply-to-all email was the toughest thing you had to think about at work."
Amazon posted $108.5 billion in revenue in the first three months of the year, up 44 percent from the same span last year, thanks to the pandemic shifting sales online and customers flush with stimulus checks. It also made a profit of $8.1 billion, up 220 percent from the same time last year.
IBM X-Force has seen an extraordinary spike in requests to create cyber ranges during the last six months. By cyber ranges, we define buildings or online areas that allow teams to practice responding to cyberattacks. Companies recognize the importance of practicing their strategies under real-world situations with simple tools, assaults, and procedures.
(Source: CNN Business) Apple and Epic Games' weeks-long antitrust trial came to a close on Monday, with the creator of the hit video game Fortnite calling Apple an "overlord" and Apple saying Epic is paving the way for a "scary" future for iOS users.
Experts address often overlooked aspects of cloud protection and advise companies looking to improve their security posture.
The objective of Corite is to keep artists in charge of their careers. When I spoke with Emelie Olsson, the company's Director of Artist Relations, it was evident that the entire business strategy empowered independent artists and their followers. Corte is a Swedish crowdfunding site that allows fans to "contribute with their hearts" and become "genuine partners" throughout an artist's career.
According to vpnMentor, Microsoft misconfigured its own Microsoft Azure Blob (cloud) storage buckets, which housed third-party data, in what appears to be a self-inflicted wound. In consequence, the organization scored its own goal in favor of those attempting to steal intellectual property.