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5 Cybersecurity Tactics To Protect The Cloud

Risk management and cybersecurity have risen to the top of the boardroom agenda. According to a Gartner report, 61% of chief information officers (CIOs) increase their cyber and information security investments. By the end of this year, the global research and advisory group expects that spending on information security and risk management technology and services will have increased by 12.4 percent. Even more, telling is that firms have begun to appoint cybersecurity experts to their boards of directors.

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Tesla Update Adds Disney+ Streaming and a Car Wash Mode

Tesla's in-car infotainment system is getting another popular streaming service. When you have some downtime while charging, you may now stream Disney+ thanks to the recent software update. Netflix, Disney's Hulu, YouTube, and Twitch are already available in Tesla's Theater Mode. Only HBO Max, Peacock, and Paramount+ remain before it can be called a true video hub. In a Reddit post, a Tesla owner revealed screenshots of the "2021.24" update, which includes various new features. In a Reddit post, a Tesla owner told screenshots of the "2021.24" update, including multiple new features.

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"Groups no longer need technical knowledge; all they need today are resources," Google noted in a blog post.

We hear a lot about 5G technology, but its impact on our lives is limited to our smartphones and mobile service providers for many of us. However, thinking that 5G technology is solely beneficial because it allows us to read books before bed is equivalent to stating that electricity is excellent because it will enable us to read books before bed. Sure, both are positive outcomes, but the consequences of each invention are far more extensive.

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In Manufacturing, Good Data Drives Cloud Computing.

According to an IDG poll, cloud use has exploded in the last ten years, with 92 percent of commercial business strategies now relying on it. The manufacturing sector, in particular, has a nearly identical rate of 87 percent. However, most cloud computing use cases are centered on information technology; according to the report, storage and backup, customer relationship management or enterprise resource planning systems, and disaster recovery are the top apps and services being shifted to the cloud.

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Why Remote Working Leaves Us Vulnerable to Cyber-Attacks